I will create a prototype of the spatial sound tomorrow (as its now 10.30pm in New Zealand) and try and respond with the results. It might even turn out better than the current system I’m using (the direct’s default Audio3DManager class). Thanks for brining this library to my knowledge
I am glad to help, I will also try to implement an example.
I also think that the library supports spatial sound that is stereo which is a nice feature to have as the current spatial sound manager only allows mono to be used.
This is a necessity because the sound becomes stereo after spatial calculations. If you record a sound and open it in the audio editor, you will find that mono has become stereo.
After some testing, this library seems to be exactly what I’m looking for. The ability to layer effects on one sound is extremely useful and I think I will use this in all my future projects, but I am interested in LifeLand’s Steam Audio extension for panda3d. If he does finish it, I would like to get a copy and play around with it myself.
For the record, OpenAL supports HRTF, doppler shift, etc. More than just panning.