new project FoxyWorlds

From the thread we were derailing:

Color scheme: I’m not saying “You must be black on white!” - if anything, a dark background is better for screen objects as far as eyestrain/no eyestrain is concerned - but a paler, less saturated text color would still look better overall, maybe #FFBBFF or #FF83FA

Font: Do you know the licence status of Mistral? It’s a very nice handwriting font and preinstalled on my own computer, but the only listings I can find for it on “identify this font” databases say it’s proprietary. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find a similarly appealing cursive font that’s free. My own tastes run to tech fonts anyway. I in fact made a couple of my own - - but if you want a copy of Starlight I can email a version that has several things fixed in an external font editor. (outline issues, and the height per line)

TOS: I don’t think I mentioned it at all… I don’t have any comments to make on it anyway.

General ranting: this is what I was talking about with the “wow, you’re bitter” comment, and the previous post here illustrates it still more… I understand that you have strong opinions, but your tech document is an odd place to put them. You seem to have a mad-on about make-a-buck “professionalism” but I tend to use the word the way my grandfather would have, to denote an attitude that’s geared toward being easy to work with and, well, polite I guess. If I was coming to your site cold with FoxyWorlds up and running, I’d be thinking it was cool and all but wondering if everyone using it was so … abrasive? I guess? I’m trying not to be insulting about it, but still honest.

TL,DR: DON’T RAGE-QUIT FOXYWORLDS! Just because I think it could use a facelift, doesn’t mean your project is bad and you’re bad and you should feel bad, to abuse the meme. I still think your terrain gen sounds promising, even if legal BS is going to kill the P2P aspect for the foreseeable future, and I’d love to help out if I can in some way.

Also, I’m not seeing your website changes.

  • dNN

You might be right on the saturation issue ( have to try it on a test page ), tho it would be hard to change the colors everywhere, the site on Google is really only a temporary “developer” site originally intendes for the original folks working on Foxy, which had originally been started out as a full 3D extension to a friend’s 2D avatar chat site for the “furry” community. Personal problems derailed her “Furry Oasis” but my concept for P2P VR kept growing and changing faster than a grade 4 glioblastoma multiformae.

As said the Goog site is a temp, its really much too small and won’t be able to host the DL of the eventual finished application much less any sort of models repository. It doesn’t support any real scripting capability and therefore cou;dn’t host the dynamic subdomain redirector ( community re-director ) needed to hook up the various peers.

As to the fonts, gotta look at yours, Mistral though came with my Windows Vista ... so IDUNNO.

Why DO I have such an attitude against current ideas of "progessionalism" its because I got cheated outta my degree back in the Reagan era, now its too late to go and bad credit would utterly prevent me going anywhere much less any of the "Ivy League" schools that Google, Facebook and so on look to for new hires. An associates from "Jerkwater Jr College" would get me nowhere fast when most places won't even take a Masters from a big name school without also already having at least 5 yrs of commercial development work to go with it. Most of the big game and software companies seem more interested in suing their way into each other's pockets and using suits to destroy indies like us before we can even launch. Only the lawyers really win.

P2P is really the only way to get VR into the mainstream as an interaction protocol in general use. High bandwidth central servers like Disney OTP and Second Life cost big bucks so that makes having accounts unafordable for most of us. The whole structure of the web is stacked against the little guy with dynamic IP "ballgagging", tiered ISP plans, and the whole ICANN "Domain Names" moneygrubb ( just look at what they wanna rack folks for the new custom TLD's ). Many online games already use P2P to connect users, Pando Media Booster as a prime example ( used by many commercial games )