New Panda, New samples?

I’m a beginner in panda3d and I can tell you anyway the difficult points that need a tutorial.

  1. what technologies are used and avoid wasting time in old obsolete codes.
    For example, use Bullet physic engine not ODE or native panda physic.
    I can do it.

  2. Create terrain with collision detection ! I lost 1 month to understand how to make ralf walks on a ShaderTerrainMesh !!!
    I can do it.

  3. Today I would like a tutorial that explains how to display trees and grass in a optimise code
    There is currently no panda3d project that displays a grass field or a forest !
    In 2019, however, it is something “basic”
    I can not do it.

  4. sample explain how to create basic gameplay
    Extended Character controller

I think this example is really great!
it is a modern gameplay that explains how the camera works well

  1. Create sample explain how create water and underwater world.
    I haven’t seen any demos of panda3d showing an underwater world

  2. Network : For learn how code this, i have only very old code from russian boy…
    Panda3d sample of Distributed Networking

But, with lot of work i was able to create a mini game with
But I think an example to present to the community would be nice
I can do it.

  1. The graphics game
    If there hadn’t been the beautiful images of RenderPipeline I wouldn’t have used panda3d
    Without RenderPipeline, panda3d is uglier than Quake2, it hardly attracts people
    I’m not a graphic designer/texture, I can not do it.

A last tutorial with the all-combined tutorial :
A little technical demo like Crysis could be really nice, not game, a pretty landscape with snow mountains, a forest, an ocean…) run with RenderPipeline

An example that explains well : You have put a lot of renderer pipeline beautiful images on the official panda3d website, but nothing of a real game like YORG
Because Yorg is good game but it’s very ugly.
the pretty but useless mountain of RenderPipeline attracts more than an ugly but functional game

  1. AI :
    I’m datascientist and i not use AI library of panda3d, i use scikit learn and tensor flow for develop complex AI.
    I don’t think it’s useful to do complex tutorials on artificial intelligence, because Python has many libraries better than what panda3d offers (like scikit learn and tensor flow)
    The current basic tutorials are sufficient I think

What do you think?