moving character with keys

a.ndrew, maybe you would give a peek into this
there is an actor you can drive by arrow keys into a room with a ladder. if you press ‘c’ you’ll see the contact geomtry. The zip contains also the blender source file to see how the scene is built up.

sorry for been unkind again :smiley:
but i thought you was already understanding how a actor is moving and you asked about the animation…

the best solution would be if you take a deeper look into all the help you got here…

i start to think that are you kidding peoples in here?!?!

you wrote, you know all the other things how to do, so it should be not a big deal for you. good luck

BUMP :open_mouth:

What do you still not understand? My previous post with the 3 self.accepts will make the animation run while you are holding, and stop it when you release, if you put the loop commands in where I told you.

Do you not know how to start and stop animation looping? What are you bumping for? It would be better to re-state what you are looking for if you have gotten replies since your last request.

In your code the first two self.accepts work but the third one to stop the loop doesn’t.
P.S thanks to everyone for helping

The that you do what I think you are trying to do can be found in the Roaming Ralph tutorial. They use this code to loop an animation when moving, and have the actor pose when not moving:

 if (self.keyMap["forward"]!=0) or (self.keyMap["left"]!=0) or (self.keyMap["right"]!=0):
            if self.isMoving is False:
                self.isMoving = True
            if self.isMoving:
                self.isMoving = False