Mirror reflection

I want to make a mirror that reflect the scene on it and then I tried to use the tutorial called (Simple Environment Mapping) but it is no sufficient to make reflection that also reflect movement of objects and also textures of the 3d model are deformed on it.

Is there a clear way to do a mirror in panda3d??

Thanks in advance

are you talking about this?

If it is just a flat mirror surface you could do this using a second camera and render to texture, then applying this texture to the mirror surface.

I was meaning thathttp://www.panda3d.org/manual/index.php/Simple_Environment_Mapping
but the problem still…look at the picture:

I there an example for that


clcheung user did something cool with shaders - check here if you find some.

Also check out https://discourse.panda3d.org/viewtopic.php?t=6222


now look what David pull off the hat! never new was so easy even if I suspected something like that.
Here the whole portable code for those interested (as I am):

"""This file demonstrates one way to create a mirror effect in Panda.
Call setupMirror() to create a mirror in the world that reflects
everything in front of it.

The approach taken here is to create an offscreen buffer with its own
camera that renders its view into a texture, which is then applied to
the mirror geometry.  The mirror's camera is repositioned each frame
with a task to keep it always on the opposite side of the mirror from
the main camera.

This demonstrates the basic interface for offscreen
render-to-a-texture in Panda.  Similar approaches can be used for
related effects, such as a remote spy camera presenting its view onto
a closed-circuit television screen.

In this example the mirror itself is always perfectly flat--it's just
a single polygon, after all--but small distortions of the mirror
surface are possible, like a funhouse mirror.  However, the reflection
itself is always basically planar; for more accurate convex
reflections, you will need to use a sphere map or a cube map."""
from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase
from direct.actor.Actor import Actor
from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import Sequence
from pandac.PandaModules import *
from direct.task import Task

def setupMirror(name, width, height):
    # The return value is a NodePath that contains a rectangle that
    # reflects render.  You can reparent, reposition, and rotate it
    # anywhere you like.

    root = render.attachNewNode(name)

    # Create a polygon to be the visible representation of the mirror.
    cm = CardMaker('mirror')
    cm.setFrame(width / 2.0, -width / 2.0, -height / 2.0, height / 2.0)
    card = root.attachNewNode(cm.generate())

    # Create a PlaneNode to represent the mirror's position, for
    # computing where the mirror's camera belongs each frame.
    plane = Plane(Vec3(0, 1, 0), Point3(0, 0, 0))
    planeNode = PlaneNode('mirrorPlane')
    planeNP = root.attachNewNode(planeNode)

    # Now create an offscreen buffer for rendering the mirror's point
    # of view.  The parameters here control the resolution of the
    # texture.
    buffer = base.win.makeTextureBuffer(name, 256, 256)
    buffer.setClearColor(VBase4(0, 0, 1, 1))

    # Set up a display region on this buffer, and create a camera.
    dr = buffer.makeDisplayRegion()
    camera = Camera('mirrorCamera')
    lens = PerspectiveLens()
    lens.setFilmSize(width, height)
    cameraNP = planeNP.attachNewNode(camera)

    # Since the reflection matrix will reverse the vertex-winding
    # order of all the polygons in the world, we have to tell the
    # camera to reverse the direction of its face culling.  We also
    # tell it not to draw (that is, to clip) anything behind the
    # mirror plane.
        ClipPlaneAttrib.make(ClipPlaneAttrib.OAdd, planeNode)))

    # Create a visible representation of the camera so we can see it.
    #cameraVis = loader.loadModel('camera.egg')
    #if not cameraVis.isEmpty():
    #    cameraVis.reparentTo(cameraNP)

    # Spawn a task to keep that camera on the opposite side of the
    # mirror.
    def moveCamera(task, cameraNP = cameraNP, plane = plane,
                   planeNP = planeNP, card = card, lens = lens,
                   width = width, height = height):
        # Set the camera to the mirror-image position of the main camera.
        cameraNP.setMat(base.camera.getMat(planeNP) * plane.getReflectionMat())

        # And reset the frustum to exactly frame the mirror's corners.
        # This is a minor detail, but it helps to provide a realistic
        # reflection and keep the subject centered.
        ul = cameraNP.getRelativePoint(card, Point3(-width / 2.0, 0, height / 2.0))
        ur = cameraNP.getRelativePoint(card, Point3(width / 2.0, 0, height / 2.0))
        ll = cameraNP.getRelativePoint(card, Point3(-width / 2.0, 0, -height / 2.0))
        lr = cameraNP.getRelativePoint(card, Point3(width / 2.0, 0, -height / 2.0))
        lens.setFrustumFromCorners(ul, ur, ll, lr, Lens.FCCameraPlane | Lens.FCOffAxis | Lens.FCAspectRatio)

        return Task.cont

    # Add it with a fairly high priority to make it happen late in the
    # frame, after the avatar controls (or whatever) have been applied
    # but before we render.
    taskMgr.add(moveCamera, name, priority = 40)

    # Now apply the output of this camera as a texture on the mirror's
    # visible representation.

    return root

pandaActor = Actor("models/panda", {"walk": "models/panda-walk"})

mirror = setupMirror("mymirror", 10, 10)
mirror.setPos(0, 10, 5)
mirror.setHpr(180, 0, 0)



I didn’t find it neither in manual nor in google searching…
These kinds of features must be added to the manual immediately

Thanks a lot for you two

the rotation of the mirror image is faster than it should be , but i found no easy solution to do this correct. the problem seems to be also in this mirror code i found in the forum which is probably same.

from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase 
import direct.showbase.MirrorDemo as MD 

m = loader.loadModel("panda") 

card = MD.setupMirror("mymirror", 20, 30) 
card.setPos(0, 20, 0) 
card.setHpr(180, 0, 0) 


the problem occurs if the hole scene with the mirror in it is rotateted

im not sure but panda has portals which could maybe be modified for that, too.