Maxi Mini Golf

Some trees seem to have a z order error (when viewed in pview at least). Its present in parts that have texture transparency. You should have a look.

Btw, how did you add the desktop shortcut? Did you use a custom nsis script?

SylHar: thanks.
Anon: true, I didn’t noticed, it’s just model exported by chicken, I see I have to enable sorting for leaves somehow.
I’m using own packager which wraps Nsis/Dpkg and creating proper scripts.
This is part for generating menus:

        nsifile.write('  CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\\${CompanyName}"\n')
        nsifile.write('  CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\\${CompanyName}\\${SafeName}"\n')
        nsifile.write('  CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\\${CompanyName}\\${SafeName}\\${StartMenuGame}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\\start.exe" "" "" 0\n')
        nsifile.write('  CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\\${CompanyName}\\${SafeName}\\${StartMenuReadme}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\\Readme.html" "" "" 0\n')
        nsifile.write('  CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\\${CompanyName}\\${SafeName}\\${StartMenuUninstall}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\\uninstall.exe" "" "" 0\n')
        nsifile.write('  CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\\${FullName}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\\start.exe" "" "" 0\n')

Do you have transparency enabled on those faces or something?
I remember I had the same problem but don’t quite remember how I got rid of it.
I could also have a look at the blend file if you want.
I’m using Panda3D 1.7.0 and the problem is there in pview.
I’m using chicken r91 and my vegetations doesn’t have that problem.

Settings looks ok. I have to dig it more. Probably there is z-sotring function in Panda somewhere.

Solution 1:
In blender, edit mode, select all verts, editing, texture face tab, check in ‘two sided’.(Editing, Mesh, ‘Double sided’ will not do the trick)

Solution 2:
In panda, Geom.doublesideInPlace()

Geom.doubleSideInPlace() is a very low-level function. I wouldn’t advice mucking with that when you could just use nodePath.setTwoSided() instead.

Is it really a two-sided geometry issue, or is it just a transparency sorting issue? Sorting issues are very common when there are lots of transparent objects viewed behind each other. The manual has something to say on this topic; see “How to Control Render Order”.


Polygons are already two-sided (i.e. doubled by hand) I’m sure it’s back-to-front sorting issue, I just didn’t did it before.
I added bin { transparent } into Group in .egg file and it looks different but doesn’t help too much (I think even looks worse), maybe it’s just too messy model - too much faces intersects eachother.

Yeah, that doesn’t sound like a good solution.

The right solution would probably be to set your transparency type to “dual” or “binary” (either by editing the egg file, or by using setTransparency() at runtime); or by subdividing your geometry into smaller pieces so that it can sorted properly relative to each other.


Doubled? As extruded or dublicated? Doesn’t seem like a good idea.

You can set transparency in Blender, go to edit mode, then

Clip alpha or binary alpha gives better result for vegetation in my opinion.

I had a look on my grass and tree models again. The ordering seems to work with both binary (clip) alpha and alpha with chicken R91. I had the same problem when using R69 though.

EDIT: And few suggestions for the game:
The shadow maps could be higher resolution.
The game lags sometimes just after the game fades to the map, looks like it is loading something after the loading screen.
And you could have some arrow showing where the ball will move (projected texture maybe).

Actually, duplicating polygons is often preferable to tagging them double-sided. On modern hardware, duplicated polygons will often render faster than double-sided polygons, for the reason being that tagging polygons double-sided means an additional state switch, which means the polygons in question have to be rendered in a separate pass, and the number of separate passes is often the biggest bottleneck in a typical 3-D scene.

Duplicating polygons, on the other hand, only adds vertices, and typically (with modern hardware, at least) you’ve got plenty of room for more vertices.

This is not universally true, of course. There are plenty of cases in which tagging geometry double-sided is the right thing to do, and the fastest way to render your scene. There are so many different factors involved that it’s impossible to make a general recommendation.


Thanks for all that hints !
After testing the best solution is :
alpha { binary }
Not smooth anymore but proper sorting.

Sounds like the ‘clip’ alpha from inside Blender.
Are you modifying all the egg files with a text editor?

@drwr: never heard about that, I’ll see if that makes any speed boost in my case…

Modyfing text files, because changing separately face by face in blender is painfull :slight_smile:

blender allows you do to copy these settings to all selected faces. i think strg+c or something like that. it’s in the tooltip in the “copy to faces” button

You mean Ctrl + C ?

Ah yes, this works. Nice.
Meanwhile I made Ubuntu 9.10 version with some fixes, other versions and distros coming soon.

Stuff like this shouldn’t happen:

It should be game over or something

Oppps, how did you get there :wink:
I’ll take a look into it.

Nothing wrong with the collision geometry. The ball fell in it.

Hey there just wanted to let you know it will not work in Ubuntu 10.10 I tried to install it and it took me 3 tries. Then I tried to run it there was nothing at all. Just wanted to let you know.