LMatrix3f - cgGLSetMatrixParameterfc

At least coercion from a string into ©PTA_uchar would be cool.

I am actually not understanding why the textures indices would be known only when are given to the shader. they are going to be stacked in a 3D texture along the z axis right? So if we know in which order the ShaderContext is going to stack them we can find them in the same order along the z.

Yeah this is a good idea. But for still for arrays of texture having shader_input.add_element() would be the easiest at the moment, right?


Nope, they are not stacked in a 3D texture. The ShaderContext has to know which textures to assign.

I think passing a TextureCollection would be a good idea, as David suggested.

Both of these are done, on the trunk at least. (And probably not a good idea to rush a low-level change like this onto the 1.7.x branch; it can wait for 1.8.)

For the record, strings will be automatically coerced into (C)PTA_type of any type, not just uchar. It will be the same thing as calling setData(‘string’), which is to say, the string data is treated as the raw binary data for the PTA.


Awesome, you rock! Thanks!