LerpFunc without function? *fixed*

Hi! After messing around with some intervals, I tried to run a LerpFunc, thats going to call a function as long as needed till the target value is reached - however, I got the response that the lerp is started:

But I don’t get a single sign of life of the function that the LerpFunc should call…

        def encodeRequest(self,pressedKey=None):
                print 'got key pressed'
                if pressedKey=='a':
                        print 'a pressed!'
                        i = LerpFunc(self.mAX, fromData = self.cam[0], toData = self.cam[0]+5, duration = 0.5,  blendType = 'easeOut', extraArgs = [], name = None)
                        print i
                if pressedKey=='s':
                        print 's pressed'
                        i = LerpFunc(self.mAX, fromData = self.cam[0], toData = self.cam[0]-5, duration = .5,  blendType = 'easeOut', extraArgs = [], name = None)
                        print i

        def mAX(self,value):
                print 'Setting Pos to: ', value
                cameraLiking[self.cam[0]+value ,self.cam[1], self.cam[2], self.cam[3], self.cam[4], self.cam[5]]


I am not that bright, but I am wondering somewhat why the mAX function didn’t even get called ONCE?

(please ignore the weird cam-values. They are simple variables/constants - zero them if you feel better then :slight_smile: )

Help appreciated :smiley:

Regards, Bigfoot29

bwaah… stupid me… of course I need to run the lerp too…


needs to be added…

Regards, Bigfoot29