Lagging reflection

So there are two things to worry about: the buffer’s sort value, and the task to update the reflection camera.

Now, if you print taskMgr, you should see something like this:

>>> print base.taskMgr
AsyncTaskManager TaskManager

  Task chain "default"
   Task                             sleep(s)   dt(ms)      avg      max   sort
   resetPrevTransform                                                      -51
   dataLoop                                                                -50
   eventManager                                                              0
   ivalLoop                                                                 20
   collisionLoop                                                            30
   garbageCollectStates                                                     46
   igLoop                                                                   50
   audioLoop                                                                60

“igLoop” refers to the rendering task. So you need to make sure your task to update the camera and shader inputs are run after any tasks that might update the camera, but before igLoop. So try giving it a sort value of, say, 45.

As for the buffer, you need to make sure it is rendered before the main window. So, any negative sort value will probably do the trick.