It would not appear that directional light has any effect on cartoon shader!

Ah, I’m glad that you got your lighting working! :slight_smile:

I think that it may simply be that your model is set to use “flat shading”–essentially, that it gives each polygon its own set of normals independent of the polygons around it. If I’m correct, setting to instead use “smooth shading”–essentially having each polygon share normals with their neighbours, and those normals be calculated with respect to the orientation of all of the polygons that they are part of–should solve the problem.

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Yup! So, setting “shade smooth” in blender working! A colorful cartoony, lit, ship!
Im so happy. Thank you guys.


while actor animation are not to relevant to this game. this glb no animations things will be forgotten and bite me again when i get to my next game. Stud Guys, a foss fall guys haha.

For all of the inconvenience, at least you have to dive into things in panda3d. Ha.

@serega-kkz my guess is the glb format wont support the collisions collection that blend2bam also did. Tough life man. haha.

@Thaumaturge could you point me to maxwells egg exporter? I cant seem to find it.

I think that the following should be the link:

the exporter from Maxwell175 is also rusty, an API update is required. For these reasons, I am developing my own exporter.

You can experiment with this.


Thanks guys. I also figured out one of the issues with the yabee exporter im working with. Ill dig into this even further thank you, thank you.

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On a roll guys, solved the issue with the yabee exporter. same issue in both maxwells and the original! Idk if dev is still active on it, i can submit a pr.

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I need to think it through a little more and make sure I am not messing up anything that isnt in my workflow.

Man its been a wild ride. Fully supported lego to egg. Thanks again gents. Ill hang this one up. Make a pr to the yabee exporter.

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That is cool to see! Thank you for doing this! :slight_smile:

Congratulations on getting there, and on figuring out your issue with YABEE! (And for my part it’s my pleasure. ^_^)

In case the YABEE dev doesn’t pick up your pull request, why not post the change here? That way other devs facing similar issues might be able to find a solution! :slight_smile:

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Sure! Good idea, ill do that tomorrow when i get to my computer.

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I made a separate forum post with the fix. Cheers.
Yabee fix.

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