Inherit from CollisionNode

It is important that obj->is_of_type(CollisionNode::get_class_type()) returns true, which ought to be the case if you have called init_type(). But you can verify this.

Other than that, I don’t know what’s wrong. Maybe you can get a clue if you set “notify-level-collide spam” in your Config.prc file, and compare the output from the CollisionNode vs. the MyObject cases.


with MyObject there’s in the terminal

:collide(debug): Recomputing viz for sphere, c (0 0 0), r 2
:collide(spam):   Considering render
  Comparing 0: bline, (-0.593575 -0.558208 -0.580267) - (-1.18696 -1.11624 -1.16035) to bsphere, infinite, is_in = 1
:collide(spam):   render has 1 interested colliders ( 0. ray )
:collide(spam):     Considering render/camera_group
    Comparing 0: bline, (-0.593575 -0.558208 -0.580267) - (-1.18696 -1.11624 -1.16035) to bsphere, infinite, is_in = 1
:collide(spam):     render/camera_group has 1 interested colliders ( 0. ray )
:collide(spam):       Considering render/camera_group/camera
:collide(spam):       render/camera_group/camera has 0 interested colliders ( )
:collide(spam):       Considering render/camera_group/ray
      Not comparing 0 to render/camera_group/ray (same node)
:collide(spam):       render/camera_group/ray has 0 interested colliders ( )
:collide(spam):     Considering render/ciao
    Comparing 0: bline, (-0.593575 -0.558208 -0.580267) - (-1.18696 -1.11624 -1.16035) to bsphere, c (-10 -10 -10), r 2, is_in = 1
:collide(spam):     render/ciao has 1 interested colliders ( 0. ray )

with collisionNode there’s

:collide(debug): Recomputing viz for sphere, c (0 0 0), r 2
:collide(spam):   Considering render
  Comparing 0: bline, (-0.567779 -0.585463 -0.578809) - (-1.13551 -1.17088 -1.15757) to bsphere, infinite, is_in = 1
:collide(spam):   render has 1 interested colliders ( 0. ray )
:collide(spam):     Considering render/camera_group
    Comparing 0: bline, (-0.567779 -0.585463 -0.578809) - (-1.13551 -1.17088 -1.15757) to bsphere, infinite, is_in = 1
:collide(spam):     render/camera_group has 1 interested colliders ( 0. ray )
:collide(spam):       Considering render/camera_group/camera
:collide(spam):       render/camera_group/camera has 0 interested colliders ( )
:collide(spam):       Considering render/camera_group/ray
      Not comparing 0 to render/camera_group/ray (same node)
:collide(spam):       render/camera_group/ray has 0 interested colliders ( )
:collide(spam):     Considering render/ciao
    Comparing 0: bline, (-0.567779 -0.585463 -0.578809) - (-1.13551 -1.17088 -1.15757) to bsphere, c (-10 -10 -10), r 2, is_in = 1
:collide(spam):     render/ciao has 1 interested colliders ( 0. ray )
:collide(spam): Colliding against CollisionNode 0x10d5808:5 which has 1 collision solids.
:collide(debug): intersection detected from render/camera_group/ray into render/ciao

thanks for your patience!

i don’t tell I use develop skd… in ubuntu 11.10 64bit

Oh, hmm, I see the problem. The CollisionTraverser has a check for is_exact_type(CollisionNode::get_class_type()). That is, it doesn’t support subclassing of CollisionNode.

I can put in an easy fix for this.


Thanks a lot!! :slight_smile:
Will it be fixed?

The fix is committed. You’ll have to either get the source and build it yourself, or wait for the buildbot to update the 1.8.0 version.


You hate me now… :slight_smile:
Is the version 1.8 the same of the develop version? If not, where can i download this?
thanks a lot!

PS: now it works!!

thankssssss!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Uhm… i have another problem…

#include "pandaFramework.h"
#include "pandaSystem.h"
#include "aiCharacter.h"
#include "typeHandle.h"

#include "genericAsyncTask.h"
#include "asyncTaskManager.h"

#include <collisionRay.h>
#include <collisionHandlerQueue.h>
#include <collisionTraverser.h>
#include <collisionSphere.h>
#include <nodePathCollection.h>
PandaFramework framework;
WindowFramework* window;
PT(AsyncTaskManager) taskMgr = AsyncTaskManager::get_global_ptr();

CollisionTraverser trav;
CollisionHandlerQueue* queue;
CollisionRay* ray;
NodePathCollection coll;

class MyObject : public CollisionNode {
    AICharacter* c;
    MyObject() : CollisionNode("MyObject") {
        static TypeHandle get_class_type() {
            return _type_handle;

        static void init_type() {
            register_type(_type_handle, "MyObject", TypedObject::get_class_type());
        virtual TypeHandle get_type() const {
            return MyObject::get_class_type();
        virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {
            return MyObject::get_class_type();
        static TypeHandle _type_handle;
TypeHandle MyObject::_type_handle;

void select(const Event* ev, void* data) {
        float x = (2 * window->get_graphics_window()->get_pointer(0).get_x()) / ((float) window->get_graphics_window()->get_x_size()) - 1;
        float y = (2 * window->get_graphics_window()->get_pointer(0).get_y()) / ((float) window->get_graphics_window()->get_y_size()) - 1;
    ray->set_from_lens(window->get_camera(0), x, -y);
    for (int i =0; i < queue->get_num_entries(); i++)
    cout << "num: " << queue->get_num_entries() << endl;

void print(const Event* ev, void* data) {
    for(int i =0; i < coll.get_num_paths(); i++) {
        cout << i << " " << coll[i] <<  endl;
        if (coll[i].node()->is_of_type(MyObject::get_class_type())) {
            cout << DCAST(MyObject, coll[i].node())->c << endl;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    framework.open_framework(argc, argv);
    framework.set_window_title("My Panda3D Window");
    window = framework.open_window();
    PT(MyObject) obj = new MyObject();
    obj->add_solid(new CollisionSphere(0, 0, 0, 3));
    NodePath path (obj);;
    obj->c = new AICharacter("char", path, 60, 0.05, 15);
    path.set_pos(-10, -10, -10);
    ray = new CollisionRay();
    queue = new CollisionHandlerQueue();
    CollisionNode* n = new CollisionNode("ray");
    NodePath p = window->get_camera_group().attach_new_node(n);
    trav.add_collider(p, queue);
    framework.define_key("mouse1", "select", &select, (void*)NULL);
    framework.define_key("mouse3", "print", &print, (void*)NULL);
    return (0);

when i click on the collision sphere with the mouse1 button, it’s printed “num1”. but when i click with the mouse3 button it’s printed

0 render/MyObject

and the program is blocked here. I must kill it with Ctrl+C…
Where am i wrong?

thanks a lot for your patience!

I don’t know; that’s strange. What do you see on the stack if you break into the program with the debugger once it is blocked?


If i use this

void print(const Event* ev, void* data) {
    cout << DCAST(MyObject, coll[0].node())->c << endl;

as print function, the program works perfectly.

but with this, the program doesn’t work

void print(const Event* ev, void* data) {
    cout << DCAST(MyObject, coll[0].node())->c << endl;
    cout << "type: " << coll[0].node()->is_of_type(MyObject::get_class_type()) << endl;

I suppose that the error is in the calling of is_of_type method. or in MyObject::get_class_type method.

I don’t see anything obviously wrong. If something is indeed broken, it must be something subtle. Have you found any more information recently?


I have shown that i call typedobject::unit_type instead of collisionnode::init_type. But this doesn’t resolve the problem! I don’t understand why it’s printed "Type " in the terminal!
Than i try to run it in a debugger to understand where the program is blocked!

Ah, and also make sure you correct this:

register_type(_type_handle, "MyObject", TypedObject::get_class_type());

To this:

register_type(_type_handle, "MyObject", CollisionNode::get_class_type());

That will be an important fix. I’m still not sure why it’s getting locked up, though.


yes. i also have changed it… but the problem persists!

thanks for your attention!

I remember that i use ubuntu 11.10 with Devel version of panda3d. using gcc 4.4 of course!