I have a problem with particle system

As I’m a new user, I’m just making some prototypes with panda.
So I’ve made some changes on one of the tutorials.
I made an actor, set some intervals and my actor moves on a pass.
Then I wanned to attach a particle system to the actor. What I expect to see was an actor that moves and an steam line coming out of it, just like a train.
But what I’ve got is an actor and the steam in it’s coordination space, so where ever the actor goes the steam goes with it and it’s not spreading on the actors pass.
Here is the code. Forgive me if I’ve been totally wrong about the concept.

		self.p = ParticleEffect()
		self.p = ParticleEffect()


I believe you want to do something like this:

self.p.start(parent=render, renderParent=self.pandaActor)

I have not used the particles much myself, if I’ve got that wrong maybe someone can correct it.

Thanks buddy
You were right, I should give the function another parameter.
Also I found an example in a package, named demo_ODEcar1, and I used the code.

		self.p = ParticleEffect()
		self.p = ParticleEffect()
		particleRenderNode = render.attachNewNode("steamNode")
		self.p.start(self.pandaActor, particleRenderNode)

Cheers 8)