I hate Python...

WingIDE is indeed a lovely IDE, I would use it if my work with python paid me money. For now though, PyScripter is a good alternative for me. Also, I just need to figure out how to automate dynamic programming on PyScripter and it would be golden.

Treeform, how did you generate the text ? Using panda’s builtin text operations ? Is that 0.4 fps the best you got ? I don’t see any 3d object were rendered back there. So what’s the problem ?

I’m still building my own onscreen IDE now (still 3 days old), and it’s very interactive. I generate each letter’s quad and saved them in a dictionary for easy instancing to build a line of text. I split each line into a node, which is flattened if the cursor goes out of that line. So the line is not flattened while still edited.
And mine fully works with dynamic update, even with lights on, so I can change the lights too. Syntax highlighting is still very simple.


I use Komodo IDE from ActivesState, this is not free. However there is also Komodo edit a free editor which is provides all the scripting features such as code intellegence syntax highlighting and what not.
