how to change the "egg-alpha-mode" in proc file?

I added :egg-alpha-mode #alpha in proc file
but useless. so how to support alpha channel for texture?

When I pview my egg file, the command line tips:

D:\Pet\little_girl>pview bbb.egg
Known pipe types:
(all display modules loaded.)
Loading bbb.egg
:egg2pg(warning): Ignoring inappropriate format rgba for 3-component texture Tex
:egg2pg(warning): Ignoring inappropriate format rgba for 3-component texture Tex

So how to fix it?
At the first time I think I should change egg-alpha-mode,maybe it is false.

It looks like your texture doesn’t have an alpha channel at all.

My texture file has alpha channel.

I saw there are such words in manual:
Don’t use Image Files with Alpha Channels
There are several image file formats that can store an alpha channel. Among these are PNG, TIF, TGA, and others.
However, the programs that create these image files (such as Photoshop) have such unpredictable and unreliable
behavior that it’s more trouble than its worth.

And manual suggests that:

A better way, that avoids the difficulties associated with Photoshop and alpha channels, is to store your opacity 
maps in a separate file. 
When loading a texture, Panda3D can load a pair of files together, like this: 
tex = loader.loadTexture("mytexture-color.jpg", "mytexture-opacity.jpg")

But my texture is in egg file(the texture’s path) and which is with the actor model. Not a texture should loadModel with codes.

How to do it?
The content in egg file:

<CoordinateSystem> { Z-Up }

<Texture> Tex5 {
  <Scalar> format { rgba }
  <Scalar> wrapu { repeat }
  <Scalar> wrapv { repeat }
  <Scalar> minfilter { linear_mipmap_linear }
  <Scalar> magfilter { linear }
  <Scalar> envtype { modulate }
  <Scalar> uv-name { m1 }
<Texture> Tex4 {
  <Scalar> format { rgba }
  <Scalar> wrapu { repeat }
  <Scalar> wrapv { repeat }
  <Scalar> minfilter { linear_mipmap_linear }
  <Scalar> magfilter { linear }
  <Scalar> envtype { modulate }
  <Scalar> uv-name { m1 }
<Texture> Tex3 {
  <Scalar> format { rgba }
  <Scalar> wrapu { repeat }
  <Scalar> wrapv { repeat }
  <Scalar> minfilter { linear_mipmap_linear }
  <Scalar> magfilter { linear }
  <Scalar> envtype { modulate }
  <Scalar> uv-name { m1 }
<Texture> Tex2 {
  <Scalar> format { rgba }
  <Scalar> wrapu { repeat }
  <Scalar> wrapv { repeat }
  <Scalar> minfilter { linear_mipmap_linear }
  <Scalar> magfilter { linear }
  <Scalar> envtype { modulate }
  <Scalar> uv-name { m1 }
<Texture> Tex1 {
  <Scalar> format { rgba }
  <Scalar> wrapu { repeat }
  <Scalar> wrapv { repeat }
  <Scalar> minfilter { linear_mipmap_linear }
  <Scalar> magfilter { linear }
  <Scalar> envtype { modulate }
  <Scalar> uv-name { m1 }

Are you 100% sure it has an alpha channel? As the manual says, Photoshop has problems exporting images with alpha.
I’ve used images with transparency myself for a long time without any problems.
But to answer your other question: Yes, it’s possible to load the alpha image separately in the .egg file. Try this:

<Texture> Tex5 {
  <Scalar> alpha-file { girl_chun/girl_chun_skin_alpha.tga }

where girl_chun_skin_alpha.tga is an image with the transparency information in greyscale.

OK. Thank you pro-rsoft.

I will check my tga file again.
And try your suggestion.

Thanks again.

Hi pro-rsoft,
I have add “ alpha-file { girl_chun/girl_chun_skin_alpha.tga }” in our egg file.
It still can not work. Could you please give me some support on
Or let me know your phone No. ,I will give you a call, Thanks.
We can not go on our work because of this problem.

Can you upload your .tga file? How do you export it? What program did you use to make it?

Pro-rsoft, Thanks
It’s ok after we converted the .tga file to .png.
Maybe something is wrong in .tag file in photoshop, thanks a lot