help with character rotation

OK, it means you have to reimplement what the lerp is doing for you automatically. A lerp is fundamentally a smooth adjustment of a value over time, and it comes down to the basic lerp equation: A + (B - A) * t, where t is a value 0 to 1. Each frame, you have to compute A, B, and t appropriately.

Here’s a sample program that demonstrates this in practice. See if you can understand how it works:

from direct.directbase.DirectStart import *
from pandac.PandaModules import *
from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *
from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import fitSrcAngle2Dest
import random

camera = loader.loadModel('camera.egg')
smiley = loader.loadModel('smiley.egg')
axis = loader.loadModel('zup-axis.egg')
axis2 = loader.loadModel('zup-axis.egg')

# Smiley can wander at random around a [-4 .. 4] cube.
smileyRange = 4
smileyTime = (0.5, 3)
def chooseSmileyPlace():
    target = (random.uniform(-smileyRange, smileyRange),
              random.uniform(-smileyRange, smileyRange),
              random.uniform(-smileyRange, smileyRange))
    moveTime = random.uniform(*smileyTime)
    waitTime = random.uniform(*smileyTime)
    ival = Sequence(smiley.posInterval(moveTime, target),


# Now a task to keep the "camera" model looking at smiley.
cameraSpeed = 10 # degrees per second
def rotateCamera(task):
    # What direction are we facing now?
    origHpr = camera.getHpr()

    # What direction do we want to be facing?
    targetHpr = axis.getHpr()

    # Make the rotation go the shortest way around.
    origHpr = VBase3(fitSrcAngle2Dest(origHpr[0], targetHpr[0]),
                     fitSrcAngle2Dest(origHpr[1], targetHpr[1]),
                     fitSrcAngle2Dest(origHpr[2], targetHpr[2]))

    # How far do we have to go from here?
    delta = max(abs(targetHpr[0] - origHpr[0]),
                abs(targetHpr[1] - origHpr[1]),
                abs(targetHpr[2] - origHpr[2]))
    if delta == 0:
        # We're already looking at the target.
        return task.cont

    # Figure out how far we should rotate in this frame, based on the
    # distance to go, and the speed we should move each frame.
    t = globalClock.getDt() * cameraSpeed / delta

    # If we reach the target, stop there.
    t = min(t, 1.0)

    # Now use simple componentwise lerp to rotate just a little bit
    # from the current direction towards the target direction.  This
    # is the basic lerp equation, to compute a value on the line
    # somewhere between origHpr and targetHpr.  If t == 0, this
    # computes origHpr; if t == 1, this computes targetHpr.  If t is
    # anywhere in between, it computes a point proportionately
    # between.
    newHpr = origHpr + (targetHpr - origHpr) * t

    return task.cont

# The large, colored axis shows the direction the camera is
# trying to look.

# The small, gray axis shows the direction the camera is actually
# looking.
axis2.setColor(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1)

taskMgr.add(rotateCamera, 'rotateCamera')

# Also, start the viewpoint a little bit back so we can see what's
# going on.
base.trackball.node().setPos(0, 20, 0)