Getting Assertion failed error, compiling panda Hello world

OK, you can’t run the Debug version. It will crash. Don’t even try to run it. Just delete the “Debug” directory, it’s full of junk that will crash.

If there’s no .exe in the Release directory, it means you haven’t yet built it successfully in Release mode. There must have been a compilation error or link error. Go find that error, and fix it.



Could you provide the source file that you’re trying to compile and execute?
Or are you still trying to compile Panda3D source code?

I suggest you try to compile the pviewer as in the tutorial to check that everything is correctly set on your environment.


Hey at last… I got it…

I created a new project… tried adding all the libraries… compiling it in release mode and executing it in release mode…

I got it successfully executed and got Panda moving on the screen!

So do we have a chance of controlling the panda, like stopping, or moving fast some thing like that… by changing the code ?

thanks in advance.

Reading the source you’ll notice that panda’s movement (the pandaPace variable, a pointer to a CMetaInterval object) is composed from four different LERPs (a lerp is a kind of linear interpolation). Each lerp is an instance of CLerpNodePathInterval class. This is an example line from your source code:

pandaPosInterval2 = new CLerpNodePathInterval("pandaPosInterval2", 13.0, CLerpInterval::BT_no_blend,true, false, pandaActor, window->get_render());

The second parameter in CLerpNodePathInterval constructor (13.0 in this example) is the duration of the lerp in seconds (is a double). Set a shorter duration to make the panda move faster.

And if you don’t know what the h*ll an interpolation is, and how it relates to moving 3d objects: