geoMipTerrain mod

I made a modification to my copy of geoMipTerrain to check if the height field sizes changed when calling set_heightfield(). If the _heightfield.get_x_size() or the _heightfield.get_y_size() is different than the previous sizes then the _is_dirty is set to true. This way I can just have update do its thing without it calling generate(). I have a terrain manager that keeps track of a 3x3 array of geoMipTerrain, and each one is of the same height field size, so as I move the camera from scene grid to scene grid ( a scene has all the names of files for terrain and models, contained in xml files) I just shift my terrain array tile pointers around and reset the height fields of the tiles ahead of the camera and call update(); and all update() needs to do is change the z value of the points, and doing LOD. Things happen a lot faster now, also I use task chain to do each update followed by a thread->force_yield(). The camera moves form one scene to the next with 3 to 4 quick jitters spaced out. Also put a check in set_block_size() if the new size is different than previous…

Just wondering if this would be good for Panda and if it might break something else, but so far is working great for me. I’m using v 1.7.2