First Person Space Shooter:Networking,Collision,Movement

I downloaded your game so far. Great work. You’ve done a lot of innovative things. Good work.

I couldn’t get the whole connection thing to work so I haven’t seen any actual gameplay yet but your startup screen and menu is great.

Your project looks similar to mine.

Thanks. I’ll forward this compliment to my friends, who are constantly judging and complaining about my design ideas. :wink:
Without them it wouldn’t look nearly that good. It really helps to have your worst critics as your friends ^^

Actually I started this project long before you started yours. But, your project showed me a new way… I clearly appreciate the competition :wink:

The connection thing couldn’t possibly work, because I’m writing everything on a client/server basis.
There’s a client (the actual game you’ve downloaded), a game-server and the masterserver.
The masterserver holds the list of all available game servers, and also the accounts of the players (I’ve implemented accounts, so that the players could later keep their highscores. Eventually the highscores could later be used for a ranking based game mode, where certain ship classes are only available for those who have achieved a certain highscore).
The masterserver itself is quiet finished. In fact (thanks to bigfoot) I’ll be able to get the masterserver online soon.
The game-server and the client aren’t ready, yet. I’m currently concentrating on the game-server, so it’ll be a while before I return to the client code and be able to release an update.
I’ll release server and masterserver code when I’ve reached the beta status (that is when gameplay code is complete and mostly bug free, major work will then be done in improving designs and effects)

3366 lines of code until today, I guess I’ll have showable gameplay when I’ve reached >10000 lines of code. I could be wrong, though :wink:

Yeah I know this project’s been going for a while now. I don’t really see this project as “competition.”

My game’s coming along but pretty slowly. The code’s pretty dirty but when I get a chance to clean it up, I’ll release it and you can look at it. It’s just difficult with only one person. You have to code, design ships, missions, and menu interface. It all takes a while.

I think your idea of masterserver, gameserver, and client is the way to go.

We’ve chosen the same genre… but our games have different approaches after all.
I’m strictly for multiplayer, and you’ve concentrated on single player.
I’m not even considering bots, because they annoy me on other game servers already. ^^

Yeah tell me about it… I’m the only person working on my game, too…
I’ve already started to rewrite the whole code/concept for the third time.
But now I’m pretty shure, that I’ve got a promising concept and an acceptable coding style.

Actually I think that writing servers, clients and masterservers is the way professional game designers go, too.
You obviously have got seperate code for client and server these days. And that there must be a masterserver that’s holding the server list is pretty obvious, too. :wink:
So I’m just doing what everybody does :wink:

Hi guys,
just discovered this thread and i ran certain versions of 3dnetwork as well as IronAngels and they both look very nice.

I was wondering if the 3dnetwork project has advanced any further and if there’s a more current version of either project.

Looking forward to get some news…

I haven’t seen him for ages now. Last post was in 2007. So I doubt somehow that his project was/is continued. :frowning:

Regards, Bigfoot29

I noticed that but I thought I should give it a shot, you never know…

Anyway, if I don’t stumble on any licensing restrictions, I am planning to use some of this stuff (concepts, routines, maybe even some of the art for the beginning) as a starting point for a very similar project I was thinking about for a long while now, so if anyone else is interested in joining a slow-motion, no-stress, no-pressure, relaxed hobby project like this feel free to PM me and let’s see how we should go about this…

If someone has already worked on improvements to the code (other than making it run on 1.7.0, which was trivial and I already did) then that is even better as a starting point…

Sorry to say that, but “no words on license” means “all rights preserved”. :wink:

Sorry, but someone has to do the unwanted “moral” stuff. :wink:

Regards, Bigfoot29

I know that :slight_smile:

However, for IronAngels we have:

As you probably saw, for art I already mentioned that it could be used “for the beginning”, until original art will be created.

So the idea stands for now, although since there is no time pressure I am not constrained by the size of the team to tackle this endeavour.