Fine/Rough intervals

Is there a way to have an interval that slows near the end instead of just suddenly stopping? I think it’s fluid = 1, but I’m not sure. Please send me an example, thanks! :wink:

You can use the blendtype parameter in the Interval.

nodePath.posInterval(duration, pos, starPos=None, blendtype=None,bakeInStart=1)

The blendtype parameter will get what you want.

The blendtypes are:
BTEaseIn = 1
BTEaseInOut = 3
BTEaseOut = 2
BTInvalid = 4
BTNoBlend = 0

As examples either use the number blendtype = 3
or use blendtype = CInterval.BTEaseInOut

Note that the integer value of each blend type is not guaranteed to remain unchanged for future versions of Panda. For this reason (as well as for code readability) it is better to use blendtype = CInterval.BTEaseInOut rather than blendtype = 3.
