Feature Requests.

That might be useful, but until someone implements it you could do something like assigning python tag “data” which would be dictionary and using it as main container. You can assign any python object (instance of class too) as pythonTag.

You will soon be able to get a list of all Tag/PythonTag keys on a node.

@teedee - awesome news, thanks :slight_smile:

I would also like something similar to look up light relationships, eg NodePath.getLights(). Currently it seems you have to query each light with each NodePath in order to see if there is a relationship or not.


Dang! Thanks again, David :slight_smile:

Still hope to see the fullscreen filters work with antialiasing.

i would like to have pixel2d with positive coords, and positive offsets for a texture.

If you want to have pixel2d with positive coordinates, just flip the axis around using setScale on base.pixel2d. But your text and textures will be upside down.

What do you mean by “positive offsets for a texture”?

Well, since I’ve got this obsession with speed, why not release a Cython version of Panda3d ? Even if it’s experimental for a time, I’d surely use it to optimize when it goes slow.

games need to be faaaaast !

Much of panda3d is already written in C/++ but with a lot lot lot of focus on python bindings.

I admit, I still have to test Cython a little. I wonder what are the gimmick of using both cython and panda3d, or if it’s not possible.

I’m not saying panda3d is slow, I’m just saying a large game code can become slow, and I’m a little scared of redoing some parts in C++ to link it with panda3d. Python is great because you code quickly, but it would be frustrating to have a big code become unusable because it’s python.

Have you read this article about Panda3D and Cython?

That seems to be quite hacky… cython is still an in-progress project, but I should really try it though. Thanks.

New feature request:
When no lights are enabled, Panda by default shows a model with its vertex colors. If there are none, the model simply stays white. I think, if the object has a material, the material’s diffuse color should be applied instead in such cases. I see no reason showing a model differently colored depending on lights being enabled or disabled.

Another feature request:
Make the default alpha mode be multisample (ms). This seems to be the only one without any problems and as far as I can tell every graphics card and chip supports it nowadays (my integrated intel thingy does).

Having this preset would save many people from wondering about weird and ugly RGBA textured models.

The material is applied based on the light settings. If there are no lights, then there is nowhere to get those settings from. Choosing to apply the diffuse colour is arbitrary - it could also be argued that the ambient colour should be applied instead, or that the model should be completely black. But this is just the way that OpenGL works, and I see no reason to hack around that behaviour.

About setting the default alpha mode to multisample: I disagree. That means we would also have to provide a multisample buffer by default, which would significantly decrease rendering speed (multisampling tends to be a performance hog). In many cases it’s not even necessary.

I read the egg format might be extended soon. I would like to tack on adding range of motion constraints to joints for when actors are controlled procedurally.

Is this something that is already supported in Panda3D itself, but simply needs a scalar to represent it in the .egg syntax? If so, which interface would that be?

When I asked in irc I was told that it wasn’t supported in panda itself, so my request is more involved than just extending the egg format.

Some sort of parabolic bounded plane CollisionSolid that can be used a From object.

That can be of great use in calculating trajectories of launched objects with the physics enabled.

Of course that can probably already be done using the existing modules it is just that I’m still somewhat of a novice when it come to using the engine.