Fast way to push textures around?[Making nice looking water]

Ok I ripped everything out except for the level with the water, lights, and shaders.

Uncomment line 82 to see the water with the shaders on.

The main difference I see here is that the shader gives it a degree of randomness with makes it look a bit more convincing as water. I suppose it kind of make it look a bit more three dimensional too.
There isn’t a huge difference otherwise, and it’s probably not worth going to a lot of trouble to try and use the auto shader generator on the water.

You’re welcome to take a look though! If you can provide any insight on how to make my effect look a bit better that’d always be great!

Water Sample:

Theres probably something obvious that I can’t spot. Maybe someone else might be able to see it.

I’m still sure you can get the same effect without shaders.

That would be quite awesome if that was possible.

I really liked the ocean clcheung made in his Demomaster application framework… found here… but didn’t really understand how he did it. His coding was kind of beyond me.

You know… actually it might just be you setting your texture to be used as a normal map in your egg file.
Now that I tried to create the effect you desired, I accidentally set the default texture to “Nor” in Blender and got that effect. But of course it didnt work without the shader generator, as normal maps are done with shaders.

If that is the case than I’m afraid it can’t be done without shaders,
UNLESS you load it as animated texture, for that you’ll need few dozen images to be played as an animation. Not sure how fast that would be when tiled so much, but Ive heard it being done before.

NO, WAIT. Normal maps need light. Duh.
So there is probably another thing.
Heres a simpler demo showing the difference when enabling and disabling shader generator:

Im pretty curious now too

I see no difference there. So it was the lighting? I guess I don’t really understand completely.

Likewise the shader generator doesn’t kill the frame rate there, I’m assuming that also has to do with the lighting as well… or perhaps the absence of a more complex scene.

If you are persueing this more I’ll be curious to see what you dig up.

the ShaderGenerator is fixed now, but I can’t get the effect from this page:

from pandac.PandaModules import *
import direct.directbase.DirectStart
from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import *

# create plane to apply water texture to
cm = CardMaker('plane')
plane = NodePath(cm.generate())

tex = loader.loadTexture('water.png')

ts1 = TextureStage('ts1')
plane.setTexture(ts1, tex)

ts2 = TextureStage('ts2')
plane.setTexture(ts2, tex)
plane.setTexRotate(ts2, 90)

# water color

speed = 20
anim = LerpTexOffsetInterval(plane, speed, (1,0), (0,1), textureStage = ts2)


