Export actor from MakeHuman

I decided to set up exporting the MakeHuman model from a blender using yabee.

However, faced with the oddities.

  1. I have several geometric groups, it can be seen in the screenshot.
  • Body
  • High-poly
  • Male_elegantsuit01
  • Shoes
  • Short01

When loaded into a panda, this translates into one geometric node, I lose access to the geometry elimettes. The output of the command.

self.head = self.player.control.find("Human/__Actor_modelRoot/-GeomNode")

GeomNode (5 geoms: S:(MaterialAttrib TextureAttrib TransparencyAttrib))

The question itself is how to access the geometry?

2.When the model is first loaded into the panda, Body geometry is missing.

However, when reloading, it appears.

Perhaps this is the problem, the model or the work of the panda …

I think it is connected.

You must use the ‘egg-optchar’ utility. How can refuse to merge geometry by default?