EggOctree, EggData & EggGroupNode Question

hi, im trying to use the eggoctree from the ‘Code Snipplets’ section to optimize my terrain model.

i met this problem when i try to run the .py file:
AttributeError: ‘libpandaegg.EggTexture’ object has no attribute ‘triangulatePolygons’

this is my code:

from pandac.PandaModules import *
import direct.directbase.DirectStart
from import Actor
from direct.task.Task import Task
from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
import random, sys, os, math
import thread

import math 

class EggOctree(object): 

   def build(self, sourceNode, destNode, cellSize, collide=False): 
      snode = sourceNode 
      # First, extract the <VertexPool> 
      vpool = snode.getFirstChild() 
      assert type(vpool) == EggVertexPool, 'First child must be a <VertexPool>' 
      # Loop on the vertices determine the bounding box 
      minBB = Point3D() 
      maxBB = Point3D() 
      nverts = vpool.getHighestIndex() 
      for iv in range(nverts + 1) : 
         vtx = vpool[iv] 
         vtxPos = vtx.getPos3() 
         # Sets the X, Y or Z components 
         i = 0 
         for set in [Point3D.setX, Point3D.setY, Point3D.setZ]  : 
            if vtxPos[i] < minBB[i] : 
               set(minBB, vtxPos[i]) 
            if vtxPos[i] > maxBB[i] : 
               set(maxBB, vtxPos[i]) 
            i += 1 
      minBB -= Vec3D(0.001, 0.001, 0.001) 
      maxBB += Vec3D(0.001, 0.001, 0.001) 
      # Number of leaves x,y,z 
      bboxSize = maxBB - minBB 
      self.ncx = math.ceil(bboxSize.getX() / cellSize.getX()) 
      self.ncy = math.ceil(bboxSize.getY() / cellSize.getY()) 
      self.ncz = math.ceil(bboxSize.getZ() / cellSize.getZ()) 
      # Depth of the tree x,y,z 
      self.depthX = math.ceil(math.log(self.ncx) / math.log(2)) 
      self.depthY = math.ceil(math.log(self.ncy) / math.log(2)) 
      self.depthZ = math.ceil(math.log(self.ncz) / math.log(2)) 
      self.depth = max(self.depthX, self.depthY, self.depthZ) 

      self.cells = [[[ 
               Point3D(minBB.getX() + x * cellSize.getX(), 
                     minBB.getY() + y * cellSize.getY(), 
                     minBB.getZ() + z * cellSize.getZ()), 
               Point3D(minBB.getX() + (x+1) * cellSize.getX(), 
                     minBB.getY() + (y+1) * cellSize.getY(), 
                     minBB.getZ() + (z+1) * cellSize.getZ()), 
            'group':EggGroup('leaf_%d_%d_%d' % (x,y,z)) } 
            for z in range(self.ncz)] 
            for y in range(self.ncy)] 
            for x in range(self.ncx)] 
      print 'Cell grid is %dx%dx%d' % (len(self.cells), len(self.cells[0]), len(self.cells[0][0])) 
      if collide : 
         for x in range(self.ncx) : 
            for y in range(self.ncy) : 
               for z in range(self.ncz) : 
      # Iterate on the <Polygon>s (should be triangles) 
      poly = snode.getNextChild() 
      while poly != None : 
         if isinstance(poly, EggPolygon) : 
            # Get the triangle center 
            polyCenter = Point3D(0,0,0) 
            for i in range(3) : 
               polyCenter += poly.getVertex(i).getPos3() 
            polyCenter /= 3.0 
            # Add the triangle to the corresponding cell group 
            cx = int(math.floor((polyCenter.getX()-minBB.getX()) / cellSize.getX())) 
            cy = int(math.floor((polyCenter.getY()-minBB.getY()) / cellSize.getY())) 
            cz = int(math.floor((polyCenter.getZ()-minBB.getZ()) / cellSize.getZ())) 
         poly = snode.getNextChild() 
      # Add the vertex data 
      self.nleaves = self.recur(destNode, 0, 0,0,0) 
      print self.nleaves, 'leaves added' 

   def recur(self, node, depth, x, y, z) : 
      if depth < self.depth : 
         nnode = EggGroup('') 
         delt = int(math.pow(2, self.depth - depth - 1)) 
         nchilds = 0 
         nchilds += self.recur(nnode, depth+1, x, y, z) 
         nchilds += self.recur(nnode, depth+1, x + delt, y, z) 
         nchilds += self.recur(nnode, depth+1, x, y + delt, z)       
         nchilds += self.recur(nnode, depth+1, x + delt, y + delt, z) 
         nchilds += self.recur(nnode, depth+1, x, y, z + delt) 
         nchilds += self.recur(nnode, depth+1, x + delt, y, z + delt) 
         nchilds += self.recur(nnode, depth+1, x, y + delt, z + delt) 
         nchilds += self.recur(nnode, depth+1, x + delt, y + delt, z + delt) 
         if nchilds > 0 : 
         return nchilds 
      else : 
         # We are in a leaf 
         if x < self.ncx and y < self.ncy and z < self.ncz : 
            return 1 
         else : 
            return 0

from pandac.PandaModules import *
from pandac.PandaModules import EggData,EggVertexPool,EggPolygon,EggVertex,EggGroupNode
import direct.directbase.DirectStart
from import Actor
from direct.task.Task import Task
from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
import random, sys, os, math
import thread

from EggOctree import EggOctree

class World(DirectObject, EggData, EggGroupNode):
   def __init__(self):
      taskMgr.add(self.main, 'mainLoop')

   def config(self): = render.attachNewNode('np')
      self.octree = EggOctree()
   def main(self, task):
      egg = EggData()'Map_Tutorial_Level.egg'))       
      sourceNode = egg.getNextChild() # the sourcenode must contain a VertexPool and a list of Polygons 
      if != None :   = None
      ed = EggData()

      # Here, it's a quadtree since there will be only 1 leaf along the Y axis, ed, Vec3D(3, 100, 3))

      ed = None = loader.loadModel('Map_Tutorial_Level_Octree.egg');
      print 'Been Here'
w = World()

i found that the EggData inherits from the EggGroupNode, but im not too sure of how to use it in the function. im not too sure if i did my code in python correctly cos im still new to python, so i need some help here.

im stuck at this point and cant render anything to the screen or write any .egg files. please correct my code because im really lost :frowning:

you probably should just insert code to ignore libpandaegg.EggTexture chunks.