Disabling mouse-events

Hmm, okay, follow-up:

If I “stash” “base.mouseWatcher”, I seem to lose keyboard events, which I do want to keep.

(Perhaps I should temporarily replace “base.mouseWatcher” with a keyboard-only watcher…?)

If I set up a new MouseWatcherRegion, it seems–at least under my current implementation–to have no apparent effect: I still get mouse-over effects from things like buttons.

In case I’m doing something wrong in the latter implementation, here is, roughly, what I’m doing:

In my setup code:

        # I'm presuming that the coordinates used match
        # those of "render2d". However, I've also tried
        # very high values (10000) to similar effect
        MenuController.mouseSuppressor = MouseWatcherRegion("mouse suppressor", -1, 1, -1, 1)
        # I want the suppression to initially be off, and to
        # not affect the keyboard
        # And just to be safe, I'm giving this object a
        # high priority
        # Finally, I set the suppression-flags.
        # I haven't found a multi-flag example, so I'm
        # guessing somewhat at usage.
        MenuController.mouseSuppressor.setSuppressFlags(MouseWatcherRegion.SF_any_button | MouseWatcherRegion.SF_mouse_position)

When I “cease mouse mode”–i.e. enter “non-mouse mode”:


And when I “enter mouse mode”–i.e. exit “non-mouse mode”:


(Entering mouse-mode is driven by watching for movements of the mouse, or clicks of the mouse-buttons.)

Okay, the creation of a new thrower/watcher seems to have done the job!

In short, this is what I now do:

In my setup code:

        MenuController.keyboardOnlyThrower = ButtonThrower("keyboardOnlyThrower")
        MenuController.keyboardOnlyWatcher = MouseWatcher("keyboardOnlyWatcher")
        MenuController.keyboardOnlyNodePath = base.mouseWatcher.getParent().find("keyboardOnlyWatcher")

When I “cease mouse mode”–i.e. enter “non-mouse mode”:


And when I “enter mouse mode”–i.e. exit “non-mouse mode”:


I’ll confess that I’m not clear on why this new watcher/thrower pair doesn’t produce the normal mouse-events–but it seems that it doesn’t. So, for now at least, it seems to be working!

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