Hello, I’m trying to check if the DirectEntry object is being selected to prevent camera movement, but using focusInCommand and focusOutCommand isn’t working to assign state variables to detect if it’s focused or not, any tips on what I might be doing wrong? It’s capable of showing the DirectEntry text.
from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase
from direct.gui.DirectEntry import DirectEntry
class Program(ShowBase):
def __init__(self):
self.search_bar = DirectEntry(pos = (-1, .25, .9), text = "", scale=.06,
initialText="", numLines = 1, focusInCommand= self.setSearchFocus(), focusOutCommand= self.setSearchOutFocus())
# Main Update Loop
self.taskMgr.add(self.update, 'main loop')
def setSearchFocus(self):
self.searchInFocus = 1
def setSearchOutFocus(self):
self.searchInFocus = 2
def update(self, task):
print("Search Bar Status = {}".format(self.searchInFocus)) # Always outputs 2, even while in focus
print("Search Bar Text = {}".format(self.search_bar.get()) )
return task.cont
example = Program()