Developing a city builder terrain engine

I’m not using custom shaders. I’m a complete noob with this stuff and for now I want to learn/use as much built-in stuff as possible.

That’s been the base I have been working off. As I understand it from looking at the code and playing around, it applies the first texture to everything (what would be the texture for alpha1 from l3dt), then using alpha maps replaces textures 2 and 3 (splatting). Finally it takes the full map texture and blends it with everything.

The issue is I cannot figure out how to use splatting/alpha maps for additional textures. Lets say I want to splat a sandy beach, grassy areas, rocky areas, snow, dirt paths, and stone roads. I cannot figure this out. In fact, I haven’t been able to break this line into two different steps:

root.setTexture(ts, loader.loadTexture(“l3dt/terrain_Alpha_2.png”, “l3dt/terrain_Alpha_3.png”))

To look at it another way, lets say I have an existing terrain with some mixture of full map textures and alpha mapped platted textures. What do I need to do to add another alpha mapped texture, possibly at a later time, or is this even possible?

edit: getMaxTextureStages() returns 4. Does this mean there is no way for me to apply more than 4 textures, either splatted or blended, to the entire GeoMipTerrain? It still doesn’t explain why I can’t break out the alpha loadTexture into 2 separate lines.