Defining animations in a "procedural" manner.

Is it that when it is said that:

It means each of the digits here:

<S$Anim> x { 0 0 10 10 20 ... }

Represent the value of x at frame:1,2,3,4 and 5? And the fact that “all frames represent the same length of time”, the time per frame would be gotten from the fps? So if the fps is 24, does that mean that frame 0 is at 1/24 seconds, frame 1 at 2/24 seconds, etc? So that this:

<S$Anim> x { 0 0 10 10 20 ... }

Would mean 0->is at time 1/24s, 0->is at time 2/24s, 10->is at time 3/24s, 10->is at time 4/24s, 20->is at time 5/24s? So that each value entered in the list would be at time n/fps in seconds? Am I way off base with that, or is it correct?