David for docs!

Can we reuse your posts and explanations for the wiki? When i search the forum i find that you have answered a particular area - this makes me want to put your explanation into the wiki modifying and breaking it up into more logical chunks. But i don’t want to plagiarize what you have said - so i am asking for permission to dig up all the old posts and clean up and repost them on the wiki so it will be easier to find for me and for every one else. But on the other hand it might be wise to have your exploration be tied to forums so that they will not be taken out of context. What do you think?


This sounds great.

However, I wonder how you want to “break it into more logical chunks”.

If you are working on the Wiki, maybe the examples could be tested as well? I tried to complete some of them (in the past) so that you can copy-paste them and see what they do. For beginners it can be hard otherwise if you do just have some lines of code without “real context”…

Anyway… thanks in advance for the work on the wiki. Hope you accept my apologies for moving you around. :wink:

Regards, Bigfoot29

most of the dwrw posts answer 2 or more questions at the same time. One has to be broken out of the other. I am asking drwr to let me edit and posts his posts on the wiki to make wiki articles out of them.

I certainly have no objection to you (or anyone else) taking my words and reworking them into a useful form in the manual.

However, I do hope you can avoid a general wikiism of the manual. One of the big problems with wikis is they tend to devolve into a list of “I had (insert very specific problem), and (insert very specific solution) worked for me.” These problem/solution reports tend to get tacked onto random pages, wherever the poster felt they most closely applied.

What I’d much rather see the manual grow into is something more like a traditional manual: an introduction to some the fundamental concepts of Panda, followed by maybe an illustration of their use, followed by more advanced concepts that build on the previous concepts, and so on, with the whole thing divided neatly into chapters according to content.
