compiling panda3d without python

just in case you’ll be using the latest DirectX SDK, ie june 2010. You’ll have to edit if you want to have libpandadx9 generated!

def SdkLocateDirectX():
    if (sys.platform != "win32"): return
    GetSdkDir("directx8", "DX8")
    GetSdkDir("directx9", "DX9")
    ## We first try to locate the SDK in 64 bits, then 32.
    if ("DX9" not in SDK):
        dir = GetRegistryKey("SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\DirectX\\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)", "InstallPath")
        if (dir != 0):
            SDK["DX9"] = dir.replace("\\", "/").rstrip("/")
            SDK["GENERIC_DXERR_LIBRARY"] = 1;
    if ("DX9" not in SDK):
        dir = GetRegistryKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\DirectX\\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)", "InstallPath")
        if (dir != 0):
            SDK["DX9"] = dir.replace("\\", "/").rstrip("/")
            SDK["GENERIC_DXERR_LIBRARY"] = 1;

You may need too ddraw.lib since Microsoft no longer include this library in the latest version of DirectX SDK…

Have a look at [url]Build Panda3D with optimized Intel C++ Compiler]

PS. Eventually you may end up having to deal with --no-directcam… let me know