Changing coordinate system of models

No, the first answer is (at least in principle) correct. Your models are simply rotated incorrectly. It’s not a coordinate system problem.

It’s a common problem with models that are constructed so that the artist can see them in the face. In this case, the model is looking back at the artist out of the screen. But that’s the backward direction: the forward direction is into the screen.

Rotating your models is the correct way to solve this. There are lots of ways to rotate your models. Since you don’t want to rotate them in the modeling package, you can use egg-trans for static models, or egg-optchar for animated (Actor) models. I assure you they do work, so if it didn’t, reexamine what you did.

The other option is to rotate them after loading. One easy way is:

model = loader.loadModel('mymodel.egg')
model.setHpr(180, 0, 0)

The flattenLight() call here bakes the rotation into the vertices, so that future calls to lookAt() will pick up the new rotation, instead of replacing it.
