Chain a CommonFilters

I want to add more 2D filters after a Volumetric light rendering.

I found that CommonFilters is implemented by FilterManager. How can I add the corresponding filters after I setup the volumetric lights with a common filter ?

You should be able to add more filters to the same CommonFilters instance.

However, it’s a good idea to chain multiple volumetric lighting filters - that gives a great performance benefit. Crysis does it like that too.
If you read the CommonFilters source code, you can find that the buffer output is rendered to self.finalQuad, meaning you can easily render that into another buffer which is used as argument to another CommonFilters constructor (instead of

hmm…I still cannot figure out a simple way to add filters after the volumetric light effect, since it is a shader at the finalquad. Can you provide a working code or a pseudo code to do it ?

However, it's a good idea to chain multiple volumetric lighting filters - that gives a great performance benefit. Crysis does it like that too.
If you read the CommonFilters source code, you can find that the buffer output is rendered to self.finalQuad, meaning you can easily render that into another buffer which is used as argument to another CommonFilters constructor (instead of

I don’t get it. Is it possible to provide an example or pseudo code ?

Thank you.

Yeah, I’m planning to add a volumetric lighting sample program to 1.7.0 anyways. Give me some time, though.