Calculating percentage problem

So I have this minor problem that is bothering me atm.
So I have written this code and when I start the script runs fine you can see the hp, totalhp and the percentage. When I reduce my hp it calculates the percentage but it always shows values like 0 and 100.
It’s obvious that those values aren’t correct and I have no idea how to to fix this.

Thx in advance for any help given

#Health/ Armor/ Mana/ Skill meters
#Author: Ackou Jens
import direct.directbase.DirectStart

hp = 0
fullhp = 0
ap = 0
fullap = 0
mp = 0
fullmp = 0
sp = 0
fullsp = 0

hp_100 = 0 #%
ap_100 = 0
mp_100 = 0
sp_100 = 0

hpdamage = 0
apdamage = 0
mpdrain = 0
spdrain = 0

dead = 0
print " variable pool created"

#Convert values to a percentage
def convertToPercentage(value_int, totalvalue_int):
    newvalue = value_int / totalvalue_int * 100
    return newvalue

#Assigns stats on their max
def assignFullStats(fullhp_int, fullap_int, fullmp_int, fullsp_int):
    global fullhp
    global fullap
    global fullmp
    global fullsp
    global hp
    global ap
    global mp
    global sp
    fullhp = fullhp_int
    fullap = fullap_int
    fullmp = fullmp_int
    fullsp = fullsp_int
    hp = fullhp_int
    ap = fullap_int
    mp = fullmp_int
    sp = fullsp_int

#Assigns current stats and updates when damaged
def assignStats():
    global hp
    global fullhp
    global hp_100
    global ap
    global fullap
    global ap_100
    global mp
    global fullmp
    global mp_100
    global sp
    global fullsp
    global sp_100
    global dead
    hp = hp - hpdamage
    ap = ap - apdamage
    ap_100 = convertToPercentage(ap, fullap)
    mp = mp - mpdrain
    mp_100 = convertToPercentage(mp, fullmp)
    sp = sp - spdrain
    sp_100 = convertToPercentage(sp, fullsp)
    if hp <= 0:
        dead = 1
        print "Player is dead ", "[", dead, "]"
        hp = 0
        hp_100 = 0
    elif hp >= fullhp:
        print "Player has reached maximum hp", "[", hp, "/", fullhp, "]"
        hp = fullhp
        hp_100 = convertToPercentage(hp, fullhp)
        hp_100 = convertToPercentage(hp, fullhp)

assignFullStats(5000, 2000, 1000, 100)

print "currentstats are ", "hp=", hp, " ", "fullhp=", fullhp, " ", "hp%=", hp_100   

def selfMutilate():
    loop = 1
    global hp
    print "Self Mutilation System Initiated n/"
    if loop == 1:
        dmg = input("Enter damage amount")
        hp = hp - dmg
        print "You have mutilated yourself with ", dmg, "damage"
        print "currentstats are ", "hp=", hp, " ", "fullhp=", fullhp, " ", "hp%=", hp_100
        decision = raw_input("Do you want to continue? (yes/no)")
        if decision == "yes":
            loop = 1
        elif decision == "no":
            loop = 0
        print "Self Mutilation System Terminated"

The problem lies in the numeric type of your variables: they’re integers, and Python use on the integer division, so 1/10 will give you a 0, 12/10 will be 1.
A simple solution is to use something like that:

def convertToPercentage(value_int, totalvalue_int):
    newvalue = 100.*value_int / totalvalue_int
    return newvalue

This way, the interpreter will be using floating numbers calculations.

Thx m8 so putting a “.” after a number will make it a float.

In short: yes.
It’s a lazy way not to write 100.0 or float(100) each time.
Also, you can write 0.234 as .234