__builtin__ is not defined

I have tow .py file:


from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase 
from direct.actor.Actor import Actor

from ku_fei import *

class MyApp(ShowBase): 

	def __init__(self):

		self.ku_fei = ku_fei()

app = MyApp()



from direct.fsm.FSM import FSM
from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase 
from direct.actor.Actor import Actor

class ku_fei(FSM):
	def __init__(self):#可选,因为 FSM 已经定义了 __init__
		FSM.__init__(self, 'ku_fei')
		self.a = Actor("./ku-fei",{"walk":"./ku-fei-walk"})
		self.a.reparentTo(__builtin__.render) # ERROR !!

But python tell me the builtin is not defined in ku_fei.py last line. I remember __builtin is a global variable.


These variables will act as global variables, so you can refer to “render” instead of “builtin.render”.

The manual page is explaining the part of Panda’s own code that makes this work, not showing it as the way to access those variables.

Option 1:
Simply use “render”.

Option 2:
Use builtins (note the “s” after “builtin”). This is a Python implementation detail: docs.python.org/library/builtin.html


Option 3:
Import the builtins module explicitly:

import __builtin__

Thank you !