Bug writing to GeomVertexWriter - 1.10.0-x64

The program is run:

PT(GeomVertexData) vdata;
vdata = new GeomVertexData("ProceduralMesh", GeomVertexFormat::get_v3n3t2(), GeomEnums::UH_static);


GeomVertexWriter vertex, normal, texcoord;

//vertex = GeomVertexWriter(vdata, "vertex");
//normal = GeomVertexWriter(vdata, "normal");
//texcoord = GeomVertexWriter(vdata, "texcoord");

The program hangs and crashes:

PT(GeomVertexData) vdata;
vdata = new GeomVertexData("ProceduralMesh", GeomVertexFormat::get_v3n3t2(), GeomEnums::UH_static);


GeomVertexWriter vertex, normal, texcoord;

vertex = GeomVertexWriter(vdata, "vertex");
normal = GeomVertexWriter(vdata, "normal");
texcoord = GeomVertexWriter(vdata, "texcoord");

This problem is not available 1.9.2-x64

This works for me in the latest master version of Panda3D. Could you tell me more about which compiler you are using? Note that the public builds are compiled with MSVC 2010/Windows 7.1 SDK, and also with NDEBUG preprocessor definition, and you need to match that in your project configuration.

Note that the recommended way to initialise these objects would be:

GeomVertexWriter vertex(vdata, "vertex");
GeomVertexWriter normal(vdata, "normal");
GeomVertexWriter texcoord(vdata, "texcoord");

Hello, attach log assembly. I think this will give an idea of ​​my environment.

-------------- Build: Release in Create (compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010)---------------

cl.exe /nologo /W3 /EHsc  /Ox /DNDEBUG /MD    /I"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Include" /I"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include" /IC:\Panda3D-1.10.0-x64\include /IC:\Panda3D-1.10.0-x64\python\include /c main.cpp /Foobj\Release\main.obj
link.exe /nologo /LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\lib\amd64" /LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Lib\x64" /LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Lib" /LIBPATH:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\lib" /LIBPATH:C:\Panda3D-1.10.0-x64\lib /LIBPATH:C:\Panda3D-1.10.0-x64\python\libs /out:bin\Release\Create.exe msvcrt.lib msvcprt.lib libp3framework.lib libpanda.lib libpandaexpress.lib libp3dtool.lib libp3dtoolconfig.lib libp3pystub.lib libp3direct.lib obj\Release\main.obj  
Output file is bin\Release\Create.exe with size 22.00 KB
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minute(s), 30 second(s))
0 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 30 second(s))

-------------- Run: Release in Create (compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010)---------------

Checking for existence: C:\game\Create\bin\Release\Create.exe
Executing: "C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks/cb_console_runner.exe" "C:\game\Create\bin\Release\Create.exe"  (in C:\game\Create\.)
Process terminated with status -1073741510 (0 minute(s), 13 second(s))

Note that the Help topic for the creation of a procedural model. He is in poor condition. I can check out the entire code for validity. For example:

PT(GeomVertexData) vdata;
vdata = new GeomVertexData(“name”, GeomVertexFormat::get_???(), Geom::UH_static);


PT(GeomVertexData) vdata;
vdata = new GeomVertexData(“name”, GeomVertexFormat::getV3n3c4t2(), Geom::UH_static);