Box-box collisions?

Thanks, yes I played around with box collision shapes and saw that myself. ODE cannot work for me, because all I want is to have box-box collisions to avoid the jittering that comes with sphere-box collisions, I do not need any physics for this project. Looking at bullet, I see I am faced with the same problem, box-box collisions exist, but physics is everywhere and moving a character is full of jitter. I saw this:

[New Bullet Character Controller)

And this thread:

All discussing bullet, the former link describing how to add a character controller. All I need is for a box to not go through another box, minus the physics, much like how panda3d’s internal collision system prevents a sphere from going through another sphere. Is there a way to have collisions in bullet, but without any physics? Forgive the ignorance on my part. I tried creating nodes with no mass, but then I saw static objects will just go through other static objects. I tried kinematic objects with static objects, but that doesn’t collide; dynamic-static and kinematic-dynamic collisions all involve some sort of physics. I tried using the character controller that comes with bullet but used a box for the character instead of a capsule. It worked fine, except that whenever I changed the heading of the box, it spun incessantly about its own z-axis. So is there a way to use collisions, specifically box-box collisions with bullet without physics?
