Billboards and Their Locations

The problem is that the billboard effect is handled differently by the EGG, It’s all about the vertex displacement that occurs when the matrix is applied. For the billboard, when exporting, you should ignore the world coordinates.

@Maxwell175, found this solution.

The dumb workaround is to just not use the world matrix for the verticies

        if self.obj_ref.billboard:
            co =[vidx].co
            co = self.obj_ref.matrix_world @[vidx].co

but only for billboard
which makes no sense to me yet

@rdb, offers.

It makes sense for YABEE to do that, recognising a “billboard” tag or something
Or you could tag it and then apply it in Panda

for node in model.findAllMatches("**/=billboard"):

However, when I change the group to Instance, I get a coordinate match.

And a message in the console about an unknown tag.