audio errors frustration

Is there a particular bitrate, codec or other, that a sound file must be saved in. I created some mp3 and wav sounds using wavepad, and I get an error when I try to play them in Panda. At one time one played, but then I keep getting this error on all of them.

:movies(error): Could not open Sound/Tara.MP3
:audio(error): Cannot open file: Sound/Tara.MP3
:audio(error): Could not open audio Sound/Tara.MP3

Any suggestions on this?

Panda handles 16 bit (I have used 32 bit but 16 bit it is guaranteed load).

Usually I work with 44100 Hz sample rate and a CBR Bitrate of 128 kbps.

If you keep having problems let me know. Also what presets are you working with?

Are you using fmod or openAL? See if one or the other runs better. For long time fmod ran the best but i think on the 1.6.0 openAl runs with fewer errors.

Now that’s just dumb.
I’m refering to myself guys. The reason I wasn’t hearing the sound is because I saved the files to a temporary folder and forgot to move them to my game folder. Wasted 20 minutes.

I appreciate your response though.
Darkana, I use the same audio format you use.
I didn’t understand what you meant by presets though, although it may not be necessary.

treeform, I think I came across that expression ‘fmod’ before, but I have no idea what that or openAL means. If you have the time and care to explain, I’d welcome it.


Panda supports a few sound systems, FMOD and OpenAL being the two of them in the default build. FMOD is a proprietary sound system which you can only use if you don’t sell your game, while OpenAL is open-source. FMOD is more stable in Panda while Panda’s OpenAL implementation seems to be somewhat buggy.

You can switch by editing your Config.prc file, find the line containing “audio-library-name” and change the value to either “libp3fmod_audio” or “libp3openal_audio”.

Ah! Now I remember where I saw that word before. It was in the manual. Thanks for clarifying things for me pro.

Now that I am on the subject of audio, I want to ask you this question. In one of my post I remember someone suggesting that it would be best not to use soundIntervals. What particular reason is there for not doing so? I have used sondIntervals before and I found there seem to have problems with certain audio. For example, it played sounds I recorded with AvRack, but when I edited them with Voice Chager they didn’t play properly. The new sounds I created with FL Studio and edited with wavepad don’t play at all when I use soundIntervals. In order to get them play during my intervals, I had to use this method:

# H Voice
self.hVoice001 = loader.loadSfx("Sound/HiIamTara.mp3")
self.hVoice002 = loader.loadSfx("Sound/IamKelly.mp3")
# H Voice Intervals
self.hVoiceIV_001 = SoundInterval(self.hVoice001, loop = 0)
self.hVoiceIV_002 = SoundInterval(self.hVoice002, loop = 0)
# H Voice Id
self.hVoiceID_001 = LerpFunc(self.hVoices001, duration = 0.25)
self.hVoiceID_002 = LerpFunc(self.hVoices002, duration = 0.25)

self.hIV = Sequence(Wait(20),
                            Parallel(self.hVoiceID_001, Func(self.narLetter_0.__setitem__, "text", "Hi! I'm Tara,"), 
                                    Func(self.narLetter_0.__setitem__, "text_fg", (1,1,0,1)), self.hVoiceIV_001), Wait(15), 
                                    Parallel(self.hVoiceID_002, Func(self.narLetter_0.__setitem__, "text", "and I'm Kelly."), 
                                            Func(self.narLetter_0.__setitem__, "text_fg", (1,0,0,1)), self.hVoiceIV_001), Wait(8))

    # H Voices
    def hVoices001(self, task):
    def hVoices002(self, task):

Can you give me any useful infomation on using soundInterval or not using them, and what methods work best?