Any panda3d tutorial ???

I am new to Panda3d and I know that there is an online manual on the web page, but I must say: the manual starts explaining things and after 3 pages it becomes almost imposible to understand.

Is there any online manual that is not the one created by Panda3d… perhaps it will be best if you link me to a good online tutorial.

Tutorial - where ???

Thank you.

You need to learn about panda or python?

If you want more info on panda then try

If you want to learn python then try,

Have fun!

The first pages are a simple way for a “hello world” program known from other programming languages that will show you how to start…
Starting with section IV you get an detailed view over each of the features.

The way it is written is great work - someone who KNOWS how to teach ppl wrote it - and even teachers/professors produce sometimes a lot of more ununderstandable stuff than the writer does/did.

Just to speak for me: With a small amount of basic skills about programming its an easy to learn tutorial. There is another big plus: In case you do not understand something, post a message here about WHAT you do not understand and WHY. David and some of the community ppl will try to help you for sure as long as you do not start rioting :wink:

And no, (at least I for myself) do not know any good howto’s/tutorials except this one here and my (crappy + not finished) german translation…

Regards, Bigfoot29

I agree with the post above this one, but I must say that it is not a good reason to say that teachers use it… sometime they already know things that we don’t.

My example is:

Bitmask and how they work. I would like to know how bitmasks are form and why those numbers… how can I know the bitmask of my environment ? How can I… how…

My question now is a general question about bitmasks ???

I only see a few paragraphs about it in the web site and that is not enough ( sorry, perhaps I am a slow-learner )


Now you asked a serious question somebody (that has knowledge) can answer…

And I didn’t say that teachers use the tutorials - I meant that it seems to be written by one. :wink:

Tbh: I still have some work to do until I will reach bitmasks (don’t even know what you are talking about g - all I know are file bitmasks :smiley: ) but as said… with a detailed QUESTION you will get a detailed ANSWER :slight_smile: (well, hopefully…)

Regards, Bigfoot29


I think Panda3D assumes you have a little background in programming.
Not especially python but C++,java or even visual basic.
Also a basic knowledge of Graphic Programming is usefull…

If you have so, the panda manual is great (uncomplete but great and very clear and concise).

However , personnaly i found it easier to read the BW and the others tutorials shipped with the engine, then choose one and tweak it as much as possible to get closer of what i desired.
Then only diving into the manual was useful.

Before doing so, i was unable to have a clear idea of where i wanted to go.
Once you know this, the manual and the Api are pretty good to tell you how …

What is the BW thing and where do I find it ?

Doncci, here means the one located here

Im still confused why your talking about bitmasks, perhaps you could clarify exactly the problem you have or are stuck on?

Have fun!

a bitmask… thats used for several purposes, but you could say its just a big collection of bool’s.

1 byte consists of 8 bit, a bit is 1 or 0. 1 stands for on, 0 for off. So take the bitmask used for collisions by panda: when you setIntoCollideMask(BitMask32(2)), it sets bit 2 to 1 (on). Thats the basic idea of a bitmask, its often used to tell the system wether something is on or present.


You have a bitmask of one byte(8bit), you set bit 2. Then your bitmask would look like this:


remember: you read bits from right to left.

Thats not entirely true. It depends if your using a little endian or big endian machine :stuck_out_tongue: