actor multiple subpart anim problem[solved]

Hi all, I will try to explain the best as I can my problem:

		#subdivide head skeleton in two parts
		self.mounthSubpart = self.setupAvatar[3].makeSubpart("mounth", ["mounthside.l", "mounthside.r", "mounthup", "mounthdown", "mounthup2.l", "mounthup2.r", "mounthdown2.l", "mounthdown2.r"],["liddown.l", "liddown.r", "lidup.l", "lidup.r"] )

		self.eyesSubpart = self.setupAvatar[3].makeSubpart("lids", ["liddown.l", "liddown.r", "lidup.l", "lidup.r"], ["mounthside.l", "mounthside.r", "mounthup", "mounthdown", 	"mounthup2.l", "mounthup2.r", "mounthdown2.l", "mounthdown2.r"])

Above I loaded the third part of my avatar parts list and created a subpart, specifing the bones to be affected first and the bones to be excluded for it.

		self.setupAvatar[3].play( 'eyes', fromFrame = 0, toFrame = 4, partName= self.eyesSubpart ) 
		self.setupAvatar[3].play( 'mounth', fromFrame = 0, toFrame = 4, partName= self.mounthSubpart ) 

Then I play the eyes anim for the eyes part and the mounth anim to the mounth part. When I play one without the another the animation plays just fine, but when I play the two together(which is what I want), only the last called anim shows.

At blender eyes action affects only the eyes bones, and the mounth action affects only the mounth bones. The two bones sets belong to a single armature which affects the head mesh.
The anims where loaded individualy at the head actor using the standard dictionary.

Why I canĀ“t have the two subparts play at the same time? Thanks for any help.

Sorry about the that, I figured what the problem was, the right code was, there was no problem in blender but in my scripting only:

#subdivide head skeleton in two parts
self.setupAvatar[3].makeSubpart("mounthSubpart", ["mounthside.l", "mounthside.r", "mounthup", "mounthdown", "mounthup2.l", "mounthup2.r", "mounthdown2.l", "mounthdown2.r"],["liddown.l", "liddown.r", "lidup.l", "lidup.r"] )

self.setupAvatar[3].makeSubpart("eyesSubpart", ["liddown.l", "liddown.r", "lidup.l", "lidup.r"], ["mounthside.l", "mounthside.r", "mounthup", "mounthdown",    "mounthup2.l", "mounthup2.r", "mounthdown2.l", "mounthdown2.r"])
self.setupAvatar[3].play( 'eyes', fromFrame = 0, toFrame = 4, partName= 'eyesSubpart' )
      self.setupAvatar[3].play( 'mounth', fromFrame = 0, toFrame = 4, partName= 'mounthSubpart' )