A transparent mask for custom in-game popups

This is a transparent mask to disable DirectGuis below when you open an in-game window or dialog
A big transparent DirectButton did the job but it would eat mouse events such as ‘wheel-up’ and ‘wheel-down’. So if your custom dialog requires mouse events, you can use this class :slight_smile:

from panda3d.core import PGButton,MouseButton
from direct.gui.DirectButton import DirectButton

class DialogMask(DirectButton):
    '''used to generate a full-screen mask to prevent button-clicking below the focused window/dialog
    Added some tricks to make panda3d mouse events still available
    B1PRESS = PGButton.getPressPrefix() + MouseButton.one().getName() + '-'  
    B2PRESS = PGButton.getPressPrefix() + MouseButton.two().getName() + '-'  
    B3PRESS = PGButton.getPressPrefix() + MouseButton.three().getName() + '-'
    B4PRESS = PGButton.getPressPrefix() + MouseButton.four().getName() + '-'
    B5PRESS = PGButton.getPressPrefix() + MouseButton.five().getName() + '-'
    WHEELUP = PGButton.getReleasePrefix() + MouseButton.wheelUp().getName() + '-'
    WHEELDOWN = PGButton.getReleasePrefix() + MouseButton.wheelDown().getName() + '-'
    WHEELLEFT = PGButton.getReleasePrefix() + MouseButton.wheelLeft().getName() + '-'
    WHEELRIGHT = PGButton.getReleasePrefix() + MouseButton.wheelRight().getName() + '-'
    B1RELEASE = PGButton.getReleasePrefix() + MouseButton.one().getName() + '-'  
    B2RELEASE = PGButton.getReleasePrefix() + MouseButton.two().getName() + '-'  
    B3RELEASE = PGButton.getReleasePrefix() + MouseButton.three().getName() + '-'
    B4RELEASE = PGButton.getReleasePrefix() + MouseButton.four().getName() + '-'
    B5RELEASE = PGButton.getReleasePrefix() + MouseButton.five().getName() + '-'
    def __init__(self):
        DirectButton.__init__(self,parent = aspect2d, frameColor =(1,1,1,0), relief = DGG.FLAT,commandButtons = [])
        self.accept('window-event', self.windowResize)

        #throw mouse events again
        self.bind(self.B1PRESS, self.rethrowEvent,['mouse1'])
        self.bind(self.B2PRESS, self.rethrowEvent,['mouse2'])
        self.bind(self.B3PRESS, self.rethrowEvent,['mouse3'])
        self.bind(self.B4PRESS, self.rethrowEvent,['mouse4'])
        self.bind(self.B5PRESS, self.rethrowEvent,['mouse5'])
        self.bind(self.WHEELUP, self.rethrowEvent, ['wheel_up'])
        self.bind(self.WHEELDOWN, self.rethrowEvent, ['wheel_down'])
        self.bind(self.WHEELLEFT, self.rethrowEvent, ['wheel_left'])
        self.bind(self.WHEELRIGHT, self.rethrowEvent, ['wheel_right'])
        self.bind(self.B1RELEASE, self.rethrowEvent,['mouse1-up'])
        self.bind(self.B2RELEASE, self.rethrowEvent,['mouse2-up'])
        self.bind(self.B3RELEASE, self.rethrowEvent,['mouse3-up'])
        self.bind(self.B4RELEASE, self.rethrowEvent,['mouse4-up'])
        self.bind(self.B5RELEASE, self.rethrowEvent,['mouse5-up'])
    def windowResize(self,arg):
        #fill the screen
        aspect = base.getAspectRatio()
        if aspect > 1:
            self['frameSize'] = (-aspect,aspect,-1,1)
        elif aspect: 
            hh = 1.0/aspect
            self['frameSize'] = (-1,1,-hh,hh)
    def setCommandButtons(self, *args, **kwargs):
    def rethrowEvent(self,sevent,event):
    def destroy(self):

all you need to create a DialogMask behind your custom pop-up, and call mask.show() before your custom dialog appears and call mask.hide() when you want to close your dialog :smiley: